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There's fast, there's faster and there's MEIKO: Halle (Saale) fire service is speeding ahead with a TopClean M cleaning and disinfection machine for respiratory protective equipment
Masks, regulators and SCBA harnesses are all ready for reuse in a jiffy. Speed is as important as a hose for the fire service. Yet, in the respiratory protective equipment workshop, cleaning the used kit can be a lengthy process. This is especially the case when kit is cleaned by hand and dwell times must be obeyed or if a machine is used but it has to run for hours and the components of the PPE, such as regulators, still have to be cleaned by hand. This happens when the machine simply has no provision for such a complex item...
Not All NFPA 1971 Gloves Are Equal
Particulate blocking is the next priority for firefighters’ Personal Protective Equipment. Safedesign offers several options to help keep particulates away from your skin, including the newest offering from PGI – The makers of the first Flash Hood. PGI Cobra™ BarriAire™ Gold Hoods lead the way in particulate barrier hood protection. Coverage where you want it with fit options that allow you to maximize your personal mask-up capabilities. Whether you prefer in‑channel or over the mask, standard or extended bib, or additional DuPont™ Nomex® Nano particulate blocking power, BarriAire Gold Hoods are the fitting response to the hazards you face. For...